
We hold several patents for our TSE technology and continuously evaluates new possibilities and application areas for it. 

Patents over the years

  • Final order from the European Patent Office regarding the granting of patents for the technical platform, the functionality of the handset, and the treatment kit.
  • Granted a patent for our innovation for TSE treatment of bone metastases and deep-seated tumours.
  • Patent approval covering a specially developed electrode and dynamic properties in the TSE platform.
  • Final patent approval in the EU for the TSE platform.
  • Approval from the US Patent Office for our innovation that will enable treatments for pain caused by metastases in the spine and skeleton.
  • The Japan Patent Office granted patents relating to the probes in IQwave™ and vetIQure™ and the electrodes in TSE treatment kits.
  • In May 2022, we received final patent approval in the EU for the TSE platform. 
  • In January 2022, we received approval from the US Patent Office for our innovation that will enable treatments for pain caused by metastases in the spine and skeleton. 
  • In June 2022, the Japan Patent Office granted patents relating to the probes in IQwave™ and vetIQure™ and the electrodes found in TSEs treatment kits.
  • Approval from The Japan Patent Office for the patent protecting the innovation used for the TSE therapy in deep-seated tumours and secondary bone cancer
  • Patent approval in Japan for the TSE platform
  • The US patent authority approved the patent relating to the unique IQwave™, vetIQure™, probe and the unique electrodes in the TSE treatment kit.
  • The Patent Office, Government of India approved patents protecting the TSE technology, specifically the creation of electrical pulses, and for the probe and treatment kits. Approval was also received for the TSE therapy in deep-seated tumours and secondary bone cancer.

Patent portfolio

Our patent portfolio currently consists of three patent families, each of which protects essential parts of our innovation.

The granted patents protect:

  • The characteristics and functions of the pulse generator that provide the TSE pulse,
  • The hand-held device that makes it possible to move the electrodes in different positions and enables the treatment of both large and small tumours as well as tumours in tighter spaces,
  • Specially made electrodes to treat deep-seated tumours also with an integrated drill function to treat tumours in the skeleton.

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