Born 1953. Member of the Board of Directors since 2020.
Independent of the Company and independent of major shareholders.
Education and experience: Royal Institute of Technology; M.Sc. in Biochemistry & Biotechnology. Extensive experience from Life Science Industry. Scientific and Product Development management roles in LKB/Pharmacia Biotech/Amersham-Pharmacia Biotech. Co-founder and VP R&D of Gyros AB, CVP/CSO of Dako-Agilent A/S, Boardmember of Biomonitor A/S.
Current assignments: Boardmember of APLEX bio AB, Boardmember of Lynsight Diagnostics Oy, Boardmember of Gradientech AB, Boardmember of Fluimedix A/S, CEO and owner of Reomics AB, Partner in Ventac Partners.